Rosacea videos on social media: A comparison of accuracy, quality, and viewer engagement.

Dermatology online journal(2021)

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BACKGROUND:Little is known regarding the accuracy, quality, and viewer engagement of video-based online education. OBJECTIVE:To assess the accuracy, quality, viewer engagement, and viewer experience of rosacea videos on social media. METHODS:Reviewers searched "rosacea" and examined videos on YouTube in September 2018. Videos were categorized by source: 1) Healthcare sources: university/professional organizations, industry, and individuals that were healthcare professionals, and 2) Non-healthcare sources: lay media and individuals that were not healthcare professionals. Video accuracy was measured using the Dy et al. Accuracy Scale (DAS) and Accuracy in Digital-health Instrument (ANDI). Video quality was measured using the Global Quality Scale (GQS). Viewer engagement was measured by the engagement ratio (total likes+dislikes+comments/total views). RESULTS:Of the videos analyzed, 71.7% of videos were from non-healthcare sources. Videos produced by healthcare sources (28.3%) were significantly more accurate than those produced by non-healthcare sources, as measured by ANDI (3.57±0.83 versus 2.54±1.07, P=0.001). Videos created by non-healthcare sources received significantly greater engagement than those by healthcare professionals (viewer engagement ratio 0.031±0.044 versus 0.014±0.013, P=0.0159). CONCLUSION:Rosacea videos on social medi produced by non-healthcare sources were less accurate and of lower quality but received greater viewer engagement than those produced by healthcare sources.
social media,viewer engagement,videos
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