Research on Fast Inter-process Communication Algorithm

2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Engineering (ICBAIE)(2021)

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In recent years, the microkernel architecture has become an increasingly popular kernel architecture. Since most of the system services of the microkernel run as user-mode process, the user process needs to access system services through the kernel’s communication mechanism to request other usermode service process to provide services. Therefore, the frequency and amount of inter-process communication in the microkernel is much larger than that in the monolithic kernel, causing the poor performance of the microkernel. In this paper, two exchange-based IPC communication algorithms are proposed to optimize the communication algorithm based on replication mode, which is commonly used in the microkernel. One is based on the algorithm of exchange of physical page of MMU, and the other is based on the algorithm of exchange of segment base address of MMU. These two exchange algorithms can achieve efficient transmission while using the independent address space to ensure the correctness of the transmitted data, greatly improving the efficiency of communication in the microkernel, thereby improving the performance of the microkernel.
Conferences,Optimization methods,Big Data,Internet of Things,Kernel,Artificial intelligence
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