A Quality of Experience Management Method For Intent-Based Software-Defined Networks

2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on the Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems (CADSM)(2021)

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The so-called IBN (Intent-based networking) is founded on the well-known SDN (Software-Defined Network) and represents one of the most important emerging capabilities of network infrastructure. IBN is offering network administrators a simple way to express their business goals, such as providing the necessary QoE, by allowing network software to automatically achieve those QoE goals. The goal is to rely on the programmability of SDN for simple and flexible network planning, design and operation, thereby abstracting from the complexity of networks. This paper presents the development and implementation of a QoE (Quality of Expirience) monitoring system for future Intent-Based Software-Defined Networks (IBSDN) that will improve the quality of end-user experience and enable more efficient use of network resources. The paper also presents methods for measuring network parameters: delay and packet loss. A carried investigation to assess the performance of the proposed monitoring system by generating audio and video traffic in the Mininet network and graphically presented the results.
Packet loss,Streaming media,Routing,Real-time systems,Quality of experience,Monitoring,Standards
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