Visual statistical learning is modulated by arbitrary and natural categories


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Visual statistical learning (VSL) describes the unintentional extraction of statistical regularities from visual environments across time or space, and is typically studied using novel stimuli (e.g., symbols unfamiliar to participants) and using familiarization procedures that are passive or require only basic vigilance. The natural visual world, however, is rich with a variety of complex visual stimuli, and we experience that world in the presence of goal-driven behavior including overt learning of other kinds. To examine how VSL responds to such contexts, we exposed subjects to statistical contingencies as they learned arbitrary categorical mappings of unfamiliar stimuli (fractals, Experiment 1 ) or familiar stimuli with preexisting categorical boundaries (faces and scenes, Experiment 2 ). In a familiarization stage, subjects learned by trial and error the arbitrary mappings between stimuli and one of two responses. Unbeknownst to participants, items were paired such that they always appeared together in the stream. Pairs were equally likely to be of the same or different category. In a pair recognition stage to assess VSL, subjects chose between a target pair and a foil pair. In both experiments, subjects’ VSL was shaped by arbitrary categories: same-category pairs were learned better than different-category pairs. Natural categories (Experiment 2 ) also played a role, with subjects learning same-natural-category pairs at higher rates than different-category pairs, an effect that did not interact with arbitrary mappings. We conclude that learning goals of the observer and preexisting knowledge about the structure of the world play powerful roles in the incidental learning of novel statistical information.
Visual statistical learning,Categorization,Category learning,Implicit learning,Incidental learning
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