Gender-based differences in perceptions about sexual violence, equality and drug‑facilitated sexual assaults in nightlife contexts.


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Sexual violence, including drug-facilitated sexual assaults, is a serious issue that is becoming increasingly common in leisure nightlife contexts. This study provides information about the attitudes and perceptions of Spanish youths towards sexual violence within that setting. The participants were recruited by a snowball sampling scheme. A bivariate analysis was performed to identify possible sociodemographic and nightlife recreational habit factors related to gender. The statistical significance of the differences between the studied variables was assessed using the chi-squared and Fisher's exact tests. Women perceived a low level of personal security, as well as the existence of social perceptions penalizing female more than male drug use, and blaming women for the sexual violence they suffer. Women also recognised less explicit violent behaviours as violence significantly more than men did. Men were more willing to have sexual intercourse with someone unable to express consent because of drugs. In addition, they believed more strongly that sexual assaults take place because of the victim's use of alcohol or other drugs. In a leisure nightlife context, women are prone to perceive a lack of social support for themselves and the feeling of impunity for the perpetrators. Furthermore, numerous misconceptions surround drug-facilitated sexual assaults, with the majority of respondents believing that assaults happen after the surreptitious administration of substances to the victim by an unknown assailant. Moreover, the involvement of alcohol was underestimated. Our findings are useful for designing prevention efforts, demystifying the drug-facilitated sexual assaults and enhancing social support for victims.
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Drug-facilitated sexual assault, sexual violence, youth prevention, rape myths, cultural violence
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