Case Report: Early Breast Cancer Recurrence Mimicking BIA-ALCL in a Patient With Multiple Breast Procedures


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Breast reconstruction plays a fundamental role in the therapeutic process of breast cancer treatment and breast implants represents the leading breast reconstruction strategy. Breast Implant Associated-Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), locoregional recurrence in the skin flap, and skin flap necrosis are well-known complications following mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction (IBR). We report a case of locoregional cancer recurrence in the mastectomy flap mimicking BIA-ALCL, in a patient who underwent 6 breast procedures in four facilities across 15 years including immediate breast reconstruction with macrotextured breast implants. Despite the rate and onset of the disease, clinicians should be aware of BIA-ALCL. Due to the risk of false negative results of fine needle aspiration, clinical suspicion of BIA-ALCL should drive clinicians' choices, aside from cytological results. In the present case, surgical capsulectomy of the abnormal periprosthesic tissue revealed locoregional recurrence.
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breast implant associated-anaplastic large cell lymphoma, breast cancer, locoregional recurrence, macro textured breast implants, residual breast tissue, case report, breast seroma, immediate breast reconstruction
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