Use of photosynthetic transgenic cyanobacteria to promote lymphangiogenesis in scaffolds for dermal regeneration

Acta Biomaterialia(2021)

引用 18|浏览6
Impaired wound healing represents an unsolved medical need with a high impact on patients´ quality of life and global health care. Even though its causes are diverse, ischemic-hypoxic conditions and exacerbated inflammation are shared pathological features responsible for obstructing tissue restoration. In line with this, it has been suggested that promoting a normoxic pro-regenerative environment and accelerating inflammation resolution, by reinstating the lymphatic fluid transport, could allow the wound healing process to be resumed. Our group was first to demonstrate the functional use of scaffolds seeded with photosynthetic microorganisms to supply tissues with oxygen. Moreover, we previously proposed a photosynthetic gene therapy strategy to create scaffolds that deliver other therapeutic molecules, such as recombinant human growth factors into the wound area. In the present work, we introduce the use of transgenic Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 cyanobacteria (SynHA), which can produce oxygen and lymphangiogenic hyaluronic acid, in photosynthetic biomaterials. We show that the co-culture of lymphatic endothelial cells with SynHA promotes their survival and proliferation under hypoxic conditions. Also, hyaluronic acid secreted by the cyanobacteria enhanced their lymphangiogenic potential as shown by changes to their gene expression profile, the presence of lymphangiogenic protein markers and their capacity to build lymph vessel tubes. Finally, by seeding SynHA into collagen-based dermal regeneration materials, we developed a viable photosynthetic scaffold that promotes lymphangiogenesis in vitro under hypoxic conditions. The results obtained in this study lay the groundwork for future tissue engineering applications using transgenic cyanobacteria that could become a therapeutic alternative for chronic wound treatment.
Oxygen,Hypoxia,Hyaluronic acid,Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002,Lymphatic endothelial cells,Biomaterials,Lymph vessels
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