Effect of Integrated Nitrogen Management on Macronutrient Content in Toria (Brassica campestris L.var.M-27)

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences(2020)

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Field experiments were conducted to study the effect of integrated nitrogen management on macronutrient content in Toria (Brassica campestris L.var.M-27) during the Rabi seasons of 2015-16 and 2016-17.Urea, Vermicompost, and Azollawere applied as nitrogen sources including one untreated control.Azotobacter also inoculated along with the seed.Results revealed that application of integrated nitrogen management improved the N, P and K content of toria in both the years of study as well as pooled data.A declining trend of N, P and K content in toria with crop age was recorded which might be due to dilution effect, caused by higher dry matter production, low nutrient status of soil and fixation of applied nutrient.Statistically higher macro-nutrient concentration in toria was observed in soil treated with 75% RDN using Urea + 25% RDN using Vermicompost which is at par with 50% RDN using Urea + 50% RDN using Vermicompost, 100% RDN using chemical fertilizer Urea + 100% RDN using Vermicompost + 100% using Azolla + Azotobacter and 100% RDN using chemical fertilizer Urea.This might be due to release of nutrients from organic sources thereby increasing soil availability along with inorganic source during the growing stage.
Integrated Nutrient Management,Nutrient Uptake
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