Dynamic evolution of major element chemistry in protoplanetary disks and its implications for Earth-enstatite chondrite connection


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Chondrites are the likely building blocks of Earth, and identifying the group of chondrite that best represents Earth is a key to resolving the state of the early Earth. The origin of chondrites, however, remains controversial partly because of their puzzling major element compositions, some exhibiting depletion in Al, Ca, and Mg. Based on a new thermochemical evolution model of protoplanetary disks, we show that planetesimals with depletion patterns similar to ordinary and enstatite chondrites can originate at 1–2 AU outside where enstatite evaporates. Around the “evaporation front” of enstatite, the large inward flow of refractory minerals, including forsterite, takes place with a high pebble concentration, and the loss of those minerals results in depletion in Al, Ca, and Mg. The fractionation driven by the loss of forsterite would also create a complementary Mg-rich reservoir just inside the depleted region, creating two chemically distinct reservoirs adjacent to each other. The region around the evaporation front of enstatite has the highest dust concentration inside the snow line, and thus the streaming instability is most likely to be triggered therein. Planetesimals with two different major element compositions could naturally be created in the terrestrial region, which could evolve into parent bodies for Earth and chondrites. This can explain why Earth and enstatite chondrites share similar isotopic signatures but have different bulk compositions.
Protoplanetary disk,Chondrites,Major element fractionation
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