Application Of Divertor Pumping To Long-Pulse Discharge For Particle Control In Lhd


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Divertor pumping was applied to plasma discharges for superior fuel particle control in the Large Helical Device (LHD). The LHD is equipped with two different pumping systems. One is the main pumping system, in which the pumping speed is 260m(3)/s in hydrogen. The other pumping system is the divertor pumping system in which the pumping speed is 70m(3)/s in hydrogen. Divertor pumping was applied to 40-second long pulse Electron Cyclotron Heating (ECH) discharges to assess the improvement in particle control provided by divertor pumping. The results show that without divertor pumping, the electron density was not controlled by gas puffing using the feedback signal of line-averaged electron density. Then, the plasma confinement deteriorated, finally leading to radiation collapse. On the other hand, with divertor pumping, the density was well-controlled by gas puffing using the feedback signal. The results indicate that divertor pumping is one of the key tools for controlling the particles in fusion plasmas. (C) 2021 The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research
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Key words
LHD, Divertor pump, density control
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