Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Of The Choriocapillaris In Age-Related Macular Degeneration


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The advent of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) has allowed for remarkable advancements in our understanding of the role of the choriocapillaris in age-related macular degeneration (AMD). As a relatively new imaging modality, techniques to analyze and quantify choriocapillaris images are still evolving. Quantification of the choriocapillaris requires careful consideration of many factors, including the type of OCTA device, segmentation of the choriocapillaris slab, image processing techniques, and thresholding method. OCTA imaging shows that the choriocapillaris is impaired in intermediate non-neovascular AMD, and the severity of impairment may predict the advancement of disease. In advanced atrophic AMD, the choriocapillaris is severely impaired underneath the area of geographic atrophy, and the level of impairment surrounding the lesion predicts the rate of atrophy enlargement. Macular neovascularization can be readily identified and classified using OCTA, but it is still unclear if neovascularization features with OCTA can predict the lesion's level of activity. The choriocapillaris surrounding macular neovascularization is impaired while the more peripheral choriocapillaris is spared, implying that choriocapillaris disruption may drive neovascularization growth. With continued innovation in OCTA image acquisition and analysis methods, advancement in clinical applications and pathophysiologic discoveries in AMD are set to follow.
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age-related macular degeneration, optical coherence tomography angiography, choriocapillaris, OCT-A, retinal imaging, macular neovascularization, choriocapillaris quantification, flow deficit
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