Effect of NAA and Ethrel on Flowering Characteristics of Pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr.) Var. Queen

Usha Kumari,K. K. Jha, S. Sengupta,S. Misra, A. K. Tiwary,M. Chakraborty

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences(2020)

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The present experiment entitled “Effect of NAA and Ethrel on flowering characteristics of pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr.) Var. Queen” was conducted at the Agri-technology Park, Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchiduring 2017-2020. The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Designed having two factors the Factor A consisted twelve growth regulators and their combination viz. NAA 10ppm (G1), NAA 20ppm (G2), Ethrel 10ppm (G3), Ethrel 30ppm (G4), Ethrel 50ppm (G5), NAA 10ppm + Ethrel 10ppm (G6), NAA 10ppm + Ethrel 30ppm (G7), NAA 10ppm + Ethrel 50ppm (G8), NAA 20ppm + Ethrel 10ppm (G9), NAA 20ppm + Ethrel 30ppm (G10), NAA 20ppm + Ethrel 50ppm (G11) and Control (G12) and Factor B consisted three stages of spray i.e. 30 leaves stage (S1), 35 leaves stage (S2) and 40 leaves stage (S3).With respect to growth regulators, significantly maximum Flowering percent and minimum days to flowering were recorded with Ethrel 30 ppm. In case of stage of spray, it was found statistically most effective and maximum flowering percent and minimum days taken for flowering after spray were registered with 40 leaves stage. Interaction effect of growth regulators and stage of spray show a significant influence with respect to flowering attributes studied in present investigation.
pineapple,flowering characteristics
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