Impact of high solar and wind penetrations and different reliability targets on dynamic operating reserves in electricity generation expansion planning

The Electricity Journal(2021)

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Abstract Wind and solar are increasingly cost-competitive as well as environmentally less harmful alternatives to the fossil-fuel generation that dominates most electricity industries. However, their highly variable and somewhat unpredictable output still requires high levels of dispatchable plants to ensure demand can be met at times of low renewables availability. While this capacity overhead has associated costs, it does offer potentially useful outcomes for dynamic operating reserves. We present a method for assessing these potential outcomes in electricity industry planning. We use an evolutionary programming-based capacity expansion model, NEMO, that solves least-cost generation mixes through full operational dispatch of candidate solutions, using high-temporal resolution demand and wind and solar profiles, over a year or more. We apply our method through a case study of the Java-Bali grid, considering future scenarios both with and without variable renewables, and under different carbon pricing scenarios, reliability targets, and minimum operating reserves requirements. Our study suggests that not only might high renewable penetrations reduce industry costs and emissions, their inclusion provides significantly higher operating reserves over most of the year, hence the ability to cover unexpected plant failures and other disruptions. Lower reliability targets reduce this capacity overhang but still see improved operating reserves.
Dynamic operating reserves,High variable renewables,Reliability,Generation capacity planning
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