Factors influencing the training process of karatekas with hearing impairment

K.O. Ianchuk, V.B. Khudiakova,O.A. Volodchenko, O.A. Tykhorskyi

picture coding symposium(2021)

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The article deals with the factors of influence on the training and competitive process of karatekas with hearing impairments. To conduct the research, the questionnaire method was used. The questionnaire contained 16 questions. Highly qualified karate fighters from different countries who took part in international competitions, as well as their coaches, were recruited as respondents. The survey was carried out using the google form software application. It was revealed that karate fighters with hearing impairments require a special approach in the training process due to the fact that: it is more difficult for athletes with hearing impairments to get technical training; athletes with hearing impairments should spend more time practicing new combinations of blows compared to healthy athletes; hearing impaired karatekas have a slower reaction rate; it is more difficult for karatekas with hearing impairments to hold attention; Prospects for further research are the development of training programs for karateka with hearing impairments.
karatekas,training process,impairment
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