International Journal of Research(2021)

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Precision farming is a science base modern technology which provided management concept based on observation and response to intra-field variations. New technologies such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS), sensors, satellites or aerial images and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are utilized to assess and analyse variations in agricultural and horticultural production. In this technology have two primary goals that are (i) optimum return (ii) preserving resource.  Wireless Sensor Networks has crucial role to management of water resources, to assess the optimum point of harvesting, to estimate fertilizer requirements and to predict crop performance more accurately, disease and pest hazard also. Sensors use to precision farming technology in horticulture, which increasing productivity, decreasing production costs and minimizing the environmental impact of farming. Though precision farming has vital role in Agriculture and Horticulture sector but, no so popular due to high cost of technology and need high speed internet facility.
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