Fur-Like Proteins: Beyond The Ferric Uptake Regulator (Fur) Paralog


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Proteins belonging to the FUR (ferric uptake regulator) family are the cornerstone of metalloregulation in most prokaryotes. Although numerous reviews have been devoted to these proteins, these reports are mainly focused on the Fur paralog that gives name to the family. In the last years, the increasing knowledge on the other, less ubiquitous members of this family has evidenced their importance in bacterial metabolism. As the Fur paralog, the major regulator of iron homeostasis, Zur, Irr, BosR and PerR are tightly related to stress defenses and host pathogen interaction being in many cases essential for virulence. Furthermore, the Nur and Mur paralogs largely contribute to control nickel and manganese homeostasis, which are cofactors of pivotal proteins for host colonization and bacterial redox homeostasis.The present review highlights the main features of FUR proteins that differ to the canonical Fur paralog either in the coregulatory metal, such as Zur, Nur and Mur, or in the action mechanism to control target genes, such as PerR, Irr and BosR.
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FUR (Ferric uptake regulator) family, Metal homeostasis, Redox homeostasis, Heme, CXXC motifs
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