Development Of Low Pressure Position Sensitive Multiwire Proportional Chamber


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A low pressure two dimensional position sensitive multiwire proportional chamber (LPMWPC) has been developed for measurements of low Z charged particles from the nuclear reaction induced by radioactive ion beam. The detector has a 50mm x 50mm sensitive area and consists of three grids (X-position cathode Y-position). The position is determined through delay line readout mode. The detector has good beam transparency and is also adequate to be used in vacuum. The LPMWPC has been tested at a pressure of 800Pa of n-heptane and a bias Voltage of 720V. The test results indicate that the position resolution of the chamber is Deltax = Deltay = I mm and detection efficiency is larger than 80 % for the low Z particle at intermediate energies. This kind of chamber has be used to determine the direction of the incident particle.
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low pressure multiwire proportional chamber, position resolution, delay line readout mode, position determination efficiency
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