Diagnostic dilemma in Broad Ligament Leiomyoma with Cystic Degeneration.


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Fibroids are smooth muscle benign tumors; most commonly arise from uterus but may also rise from extra uterine sites like broad ligament. This case report of broad ligament myoma with extensive cystic degeneration is presented for its rarity and diagnostic challenges as they mimic pelvic adenexal tumors. Mrs. X, 43 years old p(5+2), asymptomatic women with no co-morbids presented with mass in abdomen. The MRI showed mix attenuation mass of 19.7 x 16.8 x 13.7cms arising from right side of uterus extending up to epigastrium, with cystic and solid components and ascitic fluid. Resection of mass with abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salphingo oophrectomy was done. No local or abdominal organ metastases were seen. Histopathology showed left broad ligament leiomyoma weighing 4000 grams with cystic degeneration. Conclusion: Huge broad ligament leiomyoma with cystic degeneration and abdominal ascites may cause diagnostic dilemma with ovarian malignancy. This differential diagnosis must be considered before surgery.
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Key words
Benign Uterine Tumor,Cystic Degeneration,Leiomyoma,Ovarian Tumor
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