An Integrated Hydrological Model for Poyang Lake Watershed, China

Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering(2012)

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An integrated model was established to simulate the Poyang lake watershed, which consists of a hydrological model for the catchment and a hydrodynamic model for the lake. The observed discharges at six main hydrological stations and the base flow index of groundwater were used as the objective functions for model calibration. The calibration results showed that the Nash-sutcliffe efficiency coefficients (Ens) for daily stream discharges varied from 0.71 to 0.84, and coefficients of determination (R2) varied from 0.70 to 0.88. The water levels of 4 stations in the lake were used to validate the Poyang lake hydrodynamic model. Results indicated that the fitting correlation coefficients of lake water levels at all stations were as high as 0.90. The proposed model as an integrated modeling approach can be used to simulate the effects of climate change and human activities in the catchment on the hydrology of Poyang lake.
lake water levels,poyang lake hydrology,pest,lakes,multi-objective calibration,watlac,groundwater,model calibration,china,groundwater base flow index,nash-sutcliffe efficiency coefficients,integrated simulation,climate change effects,integrated hydrological model,poyang lake watershed,station water levels,human activities,poyang lake,hydrological stations,poyang lake hydrodynamic model,mike 21,calibration,meteorology,hydrodynamics
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