Emergent Chirality and Hyperuniformity in an Active Mixture with Nonreciprocal Interactions

Jianchao Chen,Xiaokang Lei,Yalun Xiang, Mengyuan Duan,Xingguang Peng, H. P. Zhang


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We investigate collective dynamics in a binary mixture of programmable robots in experiments and simulations. While robots of the same species align their motion direction, interaction between species is distinctly nonreciprocal: species A aligns with B and species B antialigns with A. This nonreciprocal interaction gives rise to the emergence of collective chiral motion that can be stabilized by limiting the robot angular speed to be below a threshold. Within the chiral phase, increasing the robot density or extending the range of local repulsive interactions can drive the system through an absorbing -active transition. At the transition point, the robots exhibit a remarkable capacity for self -organization, forming disordered hyperuniform states.
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