Identifying and characterising trapped lee waves using deep learning techniques


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Trapped lee waves, and resultant turbulent rotors downstream, present a hazard for aviation and land-based transport. Though high-resolution numerical weather prediction models can represent such phenomena, there is currently no simple and reliable automated method for detecting the extent and characteristics of these waves in model output. Spectral transform methods have traditionally been used to detect and characterise regions of wave activity in model and observational data; however, these methods can be slow and have their limitations. Machine-learning (ML) techniques offer a new and potentially fruitful method of tackling this problem. We demonstrate that a deep-learning model can be trained to accurately recognise and label coherent regions of lee waves from vertical velocity data on a single level from a high-resolution numerical weather prediction (NWP) model. Using transfer learning, wave characteristics (wavelength, orientation, and amplitude) can be extracted from the trained segmentation model. The use of synthetic wave fields with prescribed wave characteristics makes this transfer learning possible without the need to characterise real complex wave fields. Addition of noise to the synthetic data makes the models more robust when applied to more complex and noisy NWP data. The collection of trained models produced provides a valuable tool to investigate the prevalence and nature of lee wave activity, as well as a new way for forecasters to detect resolved waves. The deep-learning model was more capable and quicker at detecting and characterising lee waves than a spectral technique was. This work is just one example of how already established ML techniques can be used to detect and characterise complex weather phenomena from NWP model output and observational data, and how the careful use of synthetic data can reduce the requirements for large volumes of hand-labelled training data for ML models. We demonstrate that a deep-learning model can be trained to accurately recognise and label coherent regions of trapped lee waves from vertical velocity data from numerical weather prediction model output. By using additional synthetic wave data and transfer learning, one can furthermore extract wave characteristics. This shows that established machine-learning techniques can be used to detect and characterise phenomena from model and observational data.image
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deep learning,mountain waves,trapped lee waves
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