State of the Art of Urban Digital Twin Platforms


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Urban Digital Twin platforms are rapidly emerging as a powerful tool for urban planning and development, enabling city planners, architects, and other stakeholders to create virtual versions of real-world cities with extensive data on everything from traffic patterns to energy consumption. This work explores the present and future of Urban Digital Twin platforms, highlighting their potential to support a wide range of users in making informed decisions related to urban development challenges, by simulating the behaviour of cities and their residents using real-world data and advanced modeling approaches. The survey presented in this article examines a selection of state-of-the-art Urban Digital Twin platforms and discusses some of their key features, highlighting the differences in relation with their use cases. Furthermore, this work addresses some of the emerging trends and technologies in the field of Urban Digital Twins. Additionally, it considers how these developments might shape the future of urban planning and development by enabling more accurate predictions about how cities will evolve over time.
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digital twin,urban digital twin platform,smart city
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