The Role Of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test In Identifying Pulmonary Veno-Occlusive Disease


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Pulmonary Veno-Occlusive Disease (PVOD) is a rare form of pulmonary hypertension that shares some clinical and haemodynamic features with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). However, suspicion of PVOD is crucial, considering that PAH-specific treatment may precipitate life-threatening pulmonary oedema and lung transplant should be considered from diagnosis [1, 2].\n\nFootnotes \n\nThis manuscript has recently been accepted for publication in the European Respiratory Journal . It is published here in its accepted form prior to copyediting and typesetting by our production team. After these production processes are complete and the authors have approved the resulting proofs, the article will move to the latest issue of the ERJ online. Please open or download the PDF to view this article.\n\nConflict of Interest: Dr. Cruz Utrilla has nothing to disclose.\n\nConflict of Interest: Dr. Martinez Menaca has nothing to disclose.\n\nConflict of Interest: Dr. Flox Camacho has nothing to disclose.\n\nConflict of Interest: Dr. Perez-Olivares has nothing to disclose.\n\nConflict of Interest: Dr. Arribas Ynsaurriaga has nothing to disclose.\n\nConflict of Interest: Dr. Tenorio has nothing to disclose.\n\nConflict of Interest: Dr. De la Cruz Bertolo has nothing to disclose.\n\nConflict of Interest: Dr. Nuche has nothing to disclose.\n\nConflict of Interest: Dr. Perez Nunez has nothing to disclose.\n\nConflict of Interest: Dr. Escribano Subias has nothing to disclose.\n\nConflict of Interest: Dr. Segura de la Cal has nothing to disclose.
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