Contextually Guided Convolutional Neural Networks for Learning Most Transferable Representations

2022 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM)(2021)

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Implementing local contextual guidance principles in a single-layer CNN architecture, we propose an efficient algorithm for developing broad-purpose representations (i.e., representations transferable to new tasks without additional training) in shallow CNNs trained on limited-size datasets. A contextually guided CNN (CG-CNN) is trained on groups of neighboring image patches picked at random image locations in the dataset. Such neighboring patches are likely to have a common context and therefore are treated for the purposes of training as belonging to the same class. Across multiple iterations of such training on different context-sharing groups of image patches, CNN features that are optimized in one iteration are then transferred to the next iteration for further optimization, etc. In this process, CNN features acquire higher pluripotency, or inferential utility for any arbitrary classification task. In our applications to natural images and hyperspectral images, we find that CG-CNN can learn transferable features similar to those learned by the first layers of the well-known deep networks and produce favorable classification accuracies.
Deep Learning,Contextual Guidance,Unsupervised Learning,Transfer Learning,Feature Extraction,Pluripotency
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