Covid-19: Social Isolation And The Generation Of Solid Waste In The City Of Sao Luis-Ma

L. N. Costa,A. A. C. Franca, P. S. D. Franca, J. A. Borges, H. P. Madureira, R. F. Maciel


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In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, which spread across the world, contaminating and killing thousands of people, social isolation has been the main measure adopted to reduce contagion by the virus, resulting in different social, economic and environmental impacts to the planet. The work in question aims to make a specific survey of the impact caused by social isolation in the generation of solid waste in the municipality of Sao Luis during the quarantine period. In view of the existence of few studies in the area, the work was written based on scientific articles, reports from responsible agencies and official government information. It was found that, contrary to statistics, Sao Luis had a reduction in the generation of solid urban waste and the capital and has been standing out among the main cities in the North and Northeast of Brazil that comply with the PNRS. Despite this, the number of infected people continues to grow and preventive measures need to be established, as well as alternatives for the proper management of waste generated, since improper maintenance can increase the risk of transmitting the virus.
pandemic, Sars-CoV-2, environment, solid urban waste, maranhao
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