Joint classification from the viewpoint of Avicenna and modern medicine


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Aim of study The purpose of this study is historic and analytical review on joint classification in Canon of Medicine and contribution of Avicenna in joint anatomy. Methods In this study, we searched correlated literature in PubMed and Google Scholar as well as Avicenna’s Canon of Medicine. Results One of the most important sources of Persian Medicine literature is Avicenna’s Canon of Medicine. This Book itself consists of five volume medical textbook. Most of the first volume of the Canon of Medicine is anatomy. Avicenna in 1000 years ego, while describing bones and joints, divides the joints into three types of mobile, semi-mobile, immobilized or fixed, and cites each example. In one of the three divisions of the 10th edition of the Kelly’s textbook of Rheumatology, the joints have been divided into three types and described in the same way. Conclusion Avicenna established preservation of health and treatment of diseases based on anatomy. Therefore, Avicenna’s functional approach to the division of joints is important both in terms of the history of medicine according to Avicenna’s description a thousand years ago and in terms of content and structure do not differ compared to today’s Classification in medicine and it’s interesting.
Avicenna, Canon of medicine, Joint classification
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