Saddle-Shaped Solar Flare Arcades


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Arcades of flare loops form as a consequence of magnetic reconnection powering solar flares and eruptions. We analyze the morphology and evolution of flare arcades that formed during five well-known eruptive flares. We show that the arcades have a common saddle-like shape. The saddles occur despite the fact that the flares were of different classes (C to X), occurred in different magnetic environments, and were observed in various projections. The saddles are related to the presence of longer, relatively higher, and inclined flare loops, consistently observed at the ends of the arcades, which we term "cantles." Our observations indicate that cantles typically join straight portions of flare ribbons with hooked extensions of the conjugate ribbons. The origin of the cantles is investigated in stereoscopic observations of the 2011 May 9 eruptive flare carried out by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly and Extreme Ultraviolet Imager. The mutual separation of the instruments led to ideal observational conditions allowing for simultaneous analysis of the evolving cantle and the underlying ribbon hook. Based on our analysis we suggest that the formation of one of the cantles can be explained by magnetic reconnection between the erupting structure and its overlying arcades. We propose that the morphology of flare arcades can provide information about the reconnection geometries in which the individual flare loops originate.
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Solar coronal mass ejections, Solar magnetic reconnection, Solar extreme ultraviolet emission, Solar flares, Solar filament eruptions
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