Analysis of decay kinetics of the cytosolic calcium transient induced by oxytocin in rat myometrium smooth muscle cells


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The method of kinetic analysis of the relaxation phase of the mechanical response of the smooth muscle previously proposed by Burdyga and Kosterin was applied to study the dynamics of the decay of oxytocin-induced calcium transients in cytosol of the rat myometrium smooth muscle cell detected by a fluorescence signal generated by a calcium-sensitive probe fluo-4 using a laser scanning confocal microscope. The experimental data were well linearized in the coordinates ln [( F m – F )/ F ] vs ln t ( F and F m are the current fluorescence intensity of the calcium probe and the fluorescence intensity at the maximum of the calcium transient, respectively, while t is the time). The empirical parameters n and τ were determined by which the maximal normalized relaxation rate V n was calculated for five different ROIs (regions of interest) in the myocyte cytosol. It proved to be almost the same for all ROIs. The maximal normalized relaxation rate calculated from the fluorescence intensity was always lower than that calculated from the corresponding calcium concentration, i.e. the cytosolic Ca 2+ concentration in the relaxation phase decreases faster than the corresponding fluorescence intensity. The value of the maximal normalized relaxation rate calculated both from the fluorescence intensity and from the force of oxytocin-induced contractions of isolated rat uterus longitudinal smooth muscles (according to Tsymbalyuk and Kosterin) was exactly the same. This indicates that in the relaxation phase, the decreasing curves of both the fluorescence intensity and the contraction forces coincide.
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Key words
Smooth muscle,Contraction force,Fluorescence intensity,Intracellular calcium transient,Kinetic analysis of the relaxation phase,Oxytocin
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