Effectiveness of Vicinity-based Content Finding in Mobile NDN Environments

2021 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN)(2021)

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In Named Data Networking (NDN), consumer mobility is supported by letting a consumer re-transmit an Interest packet to re-request a lost content object through a new NDN Access Router (NAR). The object is often replicated at a previous NAR, located close to the new NAR, and can be retrieved from there rather than the origin server. Replicas can also be found from other nodes in the vicinity or nearby vicinities depending on the replica density, inter alia. These replicas can be a better source for the mobile consumer than the best placed NAR. In this paper, we further develop a vicinity-based scheme leveraging content finding in mobile NDN environments that fit the characteristic of the mentioned communication model. We examine the scheme in comparison to the default best route strategy of NDN. The results demonstrate that the scheme provides significant performance gains with acceptable overhead costs in a mobile scenario.
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Key words
content finding,consumer mobility,replicas,vicinity-based,NDN
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