Geometric means of quasi-Toeplitz matrices

BIT Numerical Mathematics(2023)

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We study means of geometric type of quasi-Toeplitz matrices, that are semi-infinite matrices A=(a_i,j)_i,j=1,2,… of the form A=T(a)+E , where E represents a compact operator, and T ( a ) is a semi-infinite Toeplitz matrix associated with the function a , with Fourier series ∑ _k=-∞^∞ a_k e^𝔦k t , in the sense that (T(a))_i,j=a_j-i . If a is real valued and essentially bounded, then these matrices represent bounded self-adjoint operators on ℓ ^2 . We prove that if a_1,… ,a_p are continuous and positive functions, or are in the Wiener algebra with some further conditions, then matrix geometric means, such as the ALM, the NBMP and the weighted mean of quasi-Toeplitz positive definite matrices associated with a_1,… ,a_p , are quasi-Toeplitz matrices associated with the function (a_1⋯ a_p)^1/p , which differ only by the compact correction. We introduce numerical algorithms for their computation and show by numerical tests that these operator means can be effectively approximated numerically.
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Key words
Quasi-Toeplitz matrices,Toeplitz algebra,Matrix functions,Operator mean,Geometric mean,Continuous functional calculus
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