Antimicrobial resistance in non-Typhoidal Salmonella from retail poultry meat by antibiotic usage-related production claims - United States, 2008-2017.

International journal of food microbiology(2021)

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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in non-typhoidal Salmonella from poultry is a public health concern. Injudicious use of antibiotics in humans and agriculture fuels the emergence of resistance. The objective of this study was to characterize the prevalence, antibiotic susceptibility profiles and genetic resistance mechanisms of Salmonella isolated from US retail poultry meat samples with and without antibiotic-related claims. We reviewed data from 46,937 poultry meat samples collected from 2008 to 2017 through the FDA NARMS retail meat program. Antibiotic usage claims on the poultry packaging were used to categorize the sample as 'conventionally raised' or 'reduced or no antibiotic use'. The results show that the prevalence of Salmonella in conventional poultry samples (8.6%) was higher than reduced or no antibiotic use poultry samples (5.1%). The odds of resistance to three or more antimicrobial classes (multi-drug resistant) were 2.61 times higher for Salmonella isolates from conventional samples, compared to isolates from reduced antibiotic use samples. The frequency of the aminoglycoside resistance gene, strB, and the beta-lactam resistant gene, blaCMY-2, were higher in isolates from conventional meat. This study suggests that conventionally raised poultry meat was more likely to be contaminated with multi-drug resistant Salmonella, and those Salmonella are more likely to carry genes for antibiotics resistance.
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