Reducing Barriers to Behavioral Treatments for Insomnia: A Qualitative Examination of Veterans' Perspectives of BBTI


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Objective: Although behavioral treatments are recommended for treating insomnia disorder, these treatments are not the most commonly provided treatments due to numerous barriers (e.g., treatment length, time limitations). Brief Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia (BBTI) was developed, in part, to help overcome these barriers. The purpose of the current study was to qualitatively examine the treatment experiences of veterans with insomnia disorder participating in BBTI. Methods: All veterans (n=46) who were randomized to receive BBTI as part of a randomized clinical trial participated in 10-20 minute semi-structured interviews one week after completing treatment. Rapid analysis procedures were used for qualitative analysis. Results: Thirteen qualitative themes were identified: BBTI provided veterans with the skills they believed they needed to continue improving independently post-treatment; beginning BBTI with in-person sessions was valued; phone sessions helped participation; veterans did not perceive that they could cover the same content during phone and in-person sessionsl; materials could be more portable; BBTI created accountability; BBTI required discipline and willingness; BBTI facilitated buy-in; BBTI was aligned with military culture; loved ones could provide important support; BBTI could be improved with more personalization; BBTI challenged expectations of mental health; and BBTI improved awareness of health behaviors beyond sleep. Conclusions: BBTI was successful in overcoming barriers to behavioral insomnia treatment and interviews identified critical treatment aspects that should be maintained to preserve acceptability (e.g., in-person session first). Areas in which BBTI did not fully meet the needs of veterans and targets for improvement (e.g., ameliorating understanding and expectations of phone sessions) were also identified.
insomnia,behavioral treatments,veterans
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