Assessment of actinobacteria use in the elimination of multidrug-resistant bacteria of Ibn Tofail hospital wastewater (Marrakesh, Morocco): a chemometric data analysis approach


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The efficiency of the treatment of hospital wastewater by actinobacteria was investigated using two chemometric data analysis methods. Six strains of multi-resistant bacteria isolated from Marrakesh hospital wastewater and four strains of antagonistic actinobacteria isolated from Moroccan marine environment were characterized by fatty acids released as methyl esters by thermochemolysis-GC/MS. The hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and the principal component analysis (PCA) were used to correlate fatty acids (FA) distributions within strains. HCA allowed to discriminate between bacteria and actinobacteria. A lower Euclidean distance is noted for bacteria. With PCA, linear and branched-chained FAs correlated with bacteria whereas mono unsaturated FAs correlated more specifically with Gram (−) bacteria. Terminally branched-chained FAs correlated most likely with actinobacteria. A co-culture of actinobacteria and bacteria monitored during 15 days demonstrated the efficiency of the biological treatment for 2 of the 4 studied actinobacteria. The effect is more important on Gram-negative bacteria. Antagonistic actinobacteria seem to be poorly efficient against Gram-positive bacteria.
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Key words
Actinobacteria, Multi-resistant bacteria, Hospital wastewater, Pyrolysis, Chemometric data analysis
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