Baud Rate And Shaping Blocklength Effects On The Nonlinear Performance Of Super-Symbol Transmission


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In this paper we study the nonlinear performance of super-symbol (SUP) transmission. We analyze the spectral dip, a unique feature of SUP, as a function of various system parameters and discuss how this dip and the associated nonlinear benefit would vary with different baud rates and shaping blocklengths. We then conduct simulations to verify our analysis, by which we confirm that the SUP performance can be optimized via a judicious choice on the baud rate and/or blocklength. Furthermore, a nonlinear noise study confirms that the nonlinear benefit of SUP mainly comes from its significant nonlinear phase noise (NLPN) reduction. (C) 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
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Key words
transmission,blocklength effects,nonlinear performance,super-symbol
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