
Gender-bias susceptibility of corona virus disease : peeping into the factors responsible and emerging trends from indian perspective

Deepak Kumar Jha,Vandana Sharma,Jaydev Sharma, Sunil Kumar, Avinash Sharma

Biochemical and Cellular Archives(2020)

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Recent pandemic of corona virus disease caused by a novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in humans is the third outbreak by this family of viruses, which is reminiscent of the SARS-COV outbreak happened in the year 2003. General characteristics of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) especially in regards to the disease susceptibility amongst males and females have been focused providing a better understanding of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in males, females and children. A thorough literature search for articles in major databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar etc. has been carried out. COVID-19 has been known to have varied symptoms ranging from mild flu-like symptoms to acute respiratory distress syndrome, multiple organ failure and death. Ageing, genetics, comorbidities and many other associated factors may play a crucial role in predisposing an individual towards COVID-19 disease as there exists chronic inflammation, thrombosis and immune response impairment due to SARS-CoV-2 providing a therapeutic window. Current study emphasizes upon the role of gender in morbidity and mortality in patients with COVID-19 with men higher at risk to COVID-19 than women in terms of mortality despite having the similar prevalence of the disease. The study has been well supported by the data available from the hot-spots affected states from Indian subcontinent. However, current evidence is not sufficient to conclude on the gender-bias susceptibility but certainly men have an edge over women in terms of susceptibility towards COVID-19.
corona virus disease,indian perspective,susceptibility,gender-bias
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