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Ramyashree C,Hemalatha Kamurthy

International journal of research in ayurveda and pharmacy(2020)

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Magnolia grandiflora (Magnoliaceae) is an evergreen tree with fragrant and showy flowers native to southeastern USA but widely cultivated all over the world and used in cosmetics industry in treatment of skin diseases. To estimate the different extracts of Magnolia grandiflora leaves by performing pharmacological screening of analgesic activity (Hot plate method and tail immersion method). In the present study the two methods were performed the mice was placed on a hot plate maintained at the temperature of 55 ± 1°C and the pain reaction time (PRT) or latency period determined with a stop watch was recorded and then about 2-3cm of the tail of each of the mice was dipped into a water bath containing warm water maintained at a temperature of 50 ± 1°C and the time taken for the mice to flick its tail or withdraw it from the warm water known as the pain reaction time (PRT) was recorded. Here, we report on the Pharmacological investigation of different extracts of Magnolia grandiflora Linn leaves. The results were demonstrated on that ethyl acetate extract (P < 0.01) exhibited significant dose dependent analgesic activity in all tested models for analgesia. The time course for analgesia revealed maximum activity after 30 min in both tail immersion and hot plate methods, which was prolonged to 24 hours. The study concludes that the ethyl acetate extract from leaves of Magnolia grandiflora possess analgesic activity at doses 250, 500 and 100 mg/kg I. p.
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magnolia grandiflora linn,leaves
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