Decentralized Byzantine Fault Tolerant Proof of Location.

Dmitrijs Rjazanovs, Ernests Petersons

PoEM Workshops(2020)

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The majority of modern location-based services rely on GPS to verify the location of different subjects. This approach is acceptable as long as the user is not interested in location data corruption, for instance, the usage of navigation utilities. On the other hand, when a service depends on the reliability of location data, then GPS is not acceptable. One of the most interesting examples of location data reliability dependent services is a smart contract, which needs to verify the location of a certain subject. The only way to verify a location within a smart contract is to rely on a third party. This fact breaks the decentralization principle of smart contracts. This paper introduces a novel algorithm of location proof within the smart contract by leveraging a p2p mesh network of Wi-Fi access points and a distributed key generation algorithm.
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