Studies in the vascular flora of the southeastern United States: V

Alan S. Weakley,R. Kevan Schoonover McClelland,Richard J. LeBlond, Keith A. Bradley, James F. Matthews, Chad Anderson,Alan R. Franck, James Lange

Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas(2019)

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As part of ongoing efforts to understand and document the flora of the southeastern United States, we propose a number of taxonomic changes. In Trichostema, we name a new species, narrowly endemic to maritime grasslands in the Carolinas and warranting formal conservation status and action. In Dichanthelium (Poaceae), we continue the reassessment of taxa formerly recognized in Panicum and provide new combinations along with a new key to taxa in the Dichanthelium scabriusculum complex. In Paspalum (Poaceae), we address the controversial taxonomy of P. arundinaceum and P. pleostachyum and treat the two as conspecific, with P. arundinaceum the correct name. In Portulaca (Portulacaceae), we report the discovery of the Bahamian P. minuta as a native component of the North American flora, occurring in southern Florida.
vascular flora,southeastern united states
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