Economic and cost analysis in producing fingerlings unit of Brazilian reophilic fish


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The objective of this study was to conduct an economic feasibility analysis in a production unit fry reofilicas Brazilian species of the state of Rondonia, and the data refer to the production of fingerlings in the 2010/2011 harvest. The project evaluated has 54 ha of total area and 6.5 ha blade water available for the production of fingerlings. In order to assess how the production of fingerlings consumes the resources of the enterprise, there was the mapping of the enterprise production flow and its structure costs. The following cost and profitability indicators were calculated effective and total operating costs, total cost of production, net revenue and profit, in addition to the usual cash flow indicators and their integrated alternative, leveling point and margin of total contribution. The analysis of costs and economic showed that the project has a low profitability in the medium term in relation to invested capital is long-term and economically unviable due to its costly production structure.
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Production of fingerlings,Economic indicators and investment
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