Abstract representation of power system networks as a function of regularity properties

A. B. Svendsen, T. Tollefsen, R. F. Pedersen, K. P. Petursson,D. Patel,O. D. Lampe

Safety and Reliability: Methodology and Applications(2015)

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Goodtech and Statnett SF have developed an online regularity calculator with minimal delay between acquisition of process values and presentation of regularity indices for the power grid. The simulation tool calculates the probability of failure on every component in the system and combined with a flow model, the reliability of power supply for every load branch. In order to analyze and understand all risk and reliability changes every 10 minutes for the large network a new representation method must be developed and tested. In this paper a new methodology for representation of how changing risk level can be presented for power system operators is introduced. By manipulating the geographical representation of the 7000 branched power system based on calculated risk levels and power flows, it should be possible to, by "one look at the screen", understand the current risk level and weigh the changes occurred.
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