A Channel Access Software Platform for Beam Dynamics Applications in Scripting Languages

J. Chrin, M. Aiba, J. Snuverink

Journal of Physics Conference Series(2019)

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To facilitate the seamless integration of EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) into high-level applications in particle accelerators, a dedicated modern C++ Channel Access interface library, CAFE, provides a comprehensive and user-friendly interface to the underlying control system. Functionality is provided for synchronous and asynchronous interaction of single and composite groups of channels, coupled with an abstract layer tailored towards beam dynamics applications and complex modelling of virtual accelerators. Equivalent consumable solutions in scripting and domain-specific languages can then be accelerated by providing bindings to the relevant methods of the interface platform. This is exemplified by CAFE's extensive MATLAB (R) interface, incarnated through a single MATLAB executable (MEX) file, and a high performance Python interface written in the Cython programming language. A number of gratifying particularities specific to these language extension modules are revealed.
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