4.10 Software Complexity, Heterogeneity, and User-facing Issues

EW Bethel,J Patchett, P Messmer, M Parashar, A Bauer,M Srinivasan,K Ono, N Röber, N Gauger,J Bennett,F Sadlo, M Dorier,M Larsen, A Ribes Cortes

In Situ Visualization for Computational Science(2019)

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Background and Motivation. The group identified three core problems crosscutting software complexity, heterogeneity and user-facing issues: in situ software is complex and hard to use; users are reluctant to adopt new technologies and in particular in situ; and increasing heterogeneity in computational resources, software tools, and use scenarios exacerbates the problem.Challenges. In situ software is complex and hard to use. Coupling in situ software entails coupling two or more codes together, both of which are likely complex software applications in their own rights. This coupling is more complex than simply making a library call, because of the consumer-side factors: the in situ method must be correctly configured to produce the desired results and it may itself be a complex, parallel application. In all but the simplest of cases, the data models of the simulation code and in situ method will not be identical. This necessitates a potentially complex data model transformation. Additional challenges arise from the complexity of the underlying computational platforms. These challenges are present for all computational endeavors, not just in situ methods. There is an increasing complexity and depth to memory hierarchies, and increasing number of cores per processor. With this added complexity arise challenges in determining the optimal configuration and placement of processing components in an in situ pipeline: some methods and configurations are best run truly in situ, where data does not move, while in other configurations, moving data to a different node may produce a lower time to solution. This set of challenges is compounded when …
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