Fix that Fix Commit: A real-world remediation analysis of JavaScript projects

2020 IEEE 20th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM)(2020)

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While there is a large body of work on understanding vulnerabilities in the wild, little has been done to understand the dynamics of the remediation phase of the development cycle. To this end, we have done a timeline analysis on 118K commits from 53 of the most used JavaScript projects from GitHub to understand the provenance and prevalence of vulnerabilities in those projects. We used a vulnerability detector (CodeQL) to filter commits that introduced vulnerabilities and the commits that fixed a prior vulnerability. We found that in 82% of the projects, a commit fixing a prior vulnerability, in turn, introduced one or more new vulnerabilities. Among those projects, on average, 18% of the commits intended to fix vulnerabilities, in turn, introduced one or more new vulnerabilities. We also found that 50% of the total vulnerabilities found in those projects originated from a commit meant to fix a prior vulnerability, and 78% of those vulnerabilities could have been avoided if they were to use proper internal testing. We provide critical insights into how proper internal testing can avoid a significant portion of vulnerabilities, increasing organizations' security posture.
Software Security,Vulnerability Analysis,Vulnerability Remediation,Security Testing
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