Virtual Reality Orientation Game for Alzheimer's Disease Using Real-Time Help System.


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Studies support cognitive training as a potentially efficient method to postpone cognitive decline in persons with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Virtual reality (VR) based serious games have found application in this field due to high level of immersion and interaction possible with the environment. We propose a fully immersive virtual reality 3D orientation game with real-time guidance system for training of elder adults. We studied the immediate after-effects of playing the orientation game on memory and attention abilities. After playing the game, participants performed better in memory exercises compared to attention exercises. The game was equipped with a real time guidance system to help the participants complete the tasks in the game. We noticed that certain hints which displayed positive messages or were easier to comprehend, helped in reducing frustration. On the other hand, hints which gave a warning message or were more difficult to follow, caused frustration to increase.
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virtual reality orientation game,alzheimers,real-time
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