The Finite-Interval Spectral Power Method For Detecting Underground Cavities Using Seismic Ambient Noise


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Undetected natural and man-made cavities pose a serious geotechnical hazard to human safety. It is therefore important to develop methods for identifying and locating underground cavities in urban development and civil construction. Another important type of cavity is the one generated by an underground nuclear explosion. Identification and location of such cavities is an important proof in case of suspicion of violating the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), an international treaty banning nuclear weapon test explosion or any other nuclear explosion which is yet to come into force. We present a new method for detecting and locating a horizontal position of cavity which uses the Finite-interval Spectral Power of seismic ambient noise. The method makes it possible to use single-station measurements at a set of potentially irregularly distributed points in the area on the Earth's free surface over a suspected cavity. Because the method gives better results for undistorted segments of noise records, we also present a method of automatic identification of such segments. We tested our method using records of noise from a site near the Felsopeteny, Hungary, which were collected for the CTBT Organization during a field test in the framework of developing on-site inspection capabilities. The method is ready for further tests in different cavity conditions and applications.
Fourier analysis, Statistical methods, Earthquake monitoring and test-ban treaty verification, Seismic noise
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