Help first-year college students to learn their library through an augmented reality game

The Journal of Academic Librarianship(2021)

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This paper presents a reflection on a pilot Augmented Reality (AR) Treasure Hunt created using a free AR application that served as a library orientation activity for first year college students. This game sought to aid student wayfinding in the library by directing them to locate puzzles in the library building that helped them reach the goal of solving a digital treasure box. Students reported that this game was informative and creative, and was received positively. Students commented that the AR game helped familiarize them with library spaces, services, and subject librarians. Inquiry into the students' experiences with the activity concluded that the gameplay of the AR gave allowed them to become more comfortable with library spaces. Due to the accessibility of the platform, replicating an AR game similar to the pilot game is possible for anyone interested in providing an immersive AR experience for a library orientation or an entry level library instruction class.
Library orientation,Library tour,Augmented reality,Game,First-year student
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