Understanding typical support practice for students who are deaf or hard of hearing: Perspectives from teachers of the deaf in Australia


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While there is a growing level of demand for accountability and documentation of services provided to students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH), there is a paucity of evidence on the nature of such support; who (personnel), what (content), and how (delivery). This study describes Teacher of the Deaf (ToD) perspectives on current classroom student support practices across a range of contemporary service delivery models in Victoria, Australia. Maximum variation sampling was used to identify 10 Victorian ToDs; each completed a one-hour semi-structured interview, which focused on an interview topic guide associated with typical practice: pathways to teaching; role of the profession; professional development; role in the classroom; goal setting; professional identity; and one open-ended question regarding wishes for the future. Qualitative content analysis generated six categories from these interviews: scope of practice; content of teaching/support; goal setting; service delivery; communication; and accountability. Three recommendations to improve future service delivery for students who are DHH included: standardisation of goal setting/assessment tools; improved shared language between all student support personnel, students and parents; and implementation of agreed rubrics to determine frequency of service with consistent definitions of decision-making criteria for tiered service delivery.
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student support, students who are DHH, teacher of the deaf perspectives, qualitative analysis
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