Ecological and Economic Potentials of Cocoa Agroforestry Systems in the Center Region of Cameroon

American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry(2020)

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Agroforestry especially in the context of cocoa production is a powerful tool for sustainable development. The overall objective of this study was to identify the type of cocoa Agroforestry System (CAS) that can conciliate ecological interests with existential concerns of rural populations. Characterization of the different types of CAS was done through a questionnaire survey of 140 cocoa farmers and field sampling in 25 m x 25 m quadrats where all trees of dbh ≥ 10 cm were inventoried. The undergrowth, the litter and the roots were collected respectively in quadrats of 1 m2; 0.5 m2; and 0.2 m2. A total of 122 quadrats were assessed in the different types of CAS in the study area. The results show that there are three types of CAS including Traditional, SODECAO and Innovative CAS. The most profitable CAS in terms of merchant cocoa are Innovative CAS (2223.75 $.ha-1) followed by SODECAO CAS (2014.61 $.ha-1). There is a significant difference (p \u003c 0.001) between the carbon stock of Traditional CAS (107.90 t C.ha-1), SODECAO (87.78 t C.ha-1) and the Innovative CAS (28.98 t C.ha-1). The SODECAO CAS is the most appropriate to conciliate cocoa farming and carbon sequestration.
cocoa agroforestry systems,cameroon
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