Probing Quantum Fisher Information Of An Open Dirac System With Hawking Effect In The Schwarzschild Black Hole

Babatunde James Falaye, Muhammad Sanusi Liman


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The unavoidable interaction of a real quantum system with the environment leads to the degradation of quantum coherence. Consequently, this paper investigates how such interaction can influence the quantum Fisher information (QFI) with the Hawking effect in the Schwarzschild black hole. We have considered two models of quantum decoherence: amplitude damping and phase damping channels; both can be experimentally induced. We found that Quantum information F-phi epsilon is more robust to phase flip channel than to the amplitude damping channel. It is observed that under the influence of phase damping channel, Quantum information F-phi does not depend on Hawking temperature making the parameter estimation immune to the Hawking effect but susceptible to decoherence. We found that QFI dwindles with increasing Hawking temperature and becomes more attenuated with decoherence which implies that the parameter estimation can be achieved with higher precision when the black hole is not evaporating.
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Key words
quantum fisher information, open Dirac system, Hawking effect, Schwarzschild black hole
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