Rhabdomyolysis and muscle necrosis induced by lead poisoning

Advanced Biomedical Research(2020)

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A case is presented on a 40-year-old male with chronic lead poisoning with loss of consciousness, rhabdomyolysis, and acute renal failure after occupational exposure. Physical examination revealed generalized atrophy, tenderness, and swelling in the right limb and a decreased proximal muscle strength in the lower limb. A severe acute polyradiculoneuropathy in lower limbs documented by electromyography. All paraclinical tests were normal except increased blood lead level (75 mu g/dl) and blue line in gum of the teeth. The patient was treated with penicillamine (500 mg q8 h) and pyridoxine (50 mg daily) for 8 months, only accessible drug in Iran. Force of patient's muscles in the proximal part of the lower limb was improved, and also the blood lead level reached to normal range. This is the first patient with rhabdomyolysis and muscle necrosis induced by lead poisoning.
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Key words
Case report, lead poisoning, muscle, necrosis, penicillamine, rhabdomyolysis
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